Saturday, August 9, 2014

Pregnancy: A Grapefruit-sized little Girl

23 weeks

How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +15 lbs
Maternity clothes: Yes. I need some new maternity pants though. These ones are starting to feel kind of tight. 
Stretch marks: Still haven’t spotted any new ones (Apparently, lotioning up every day is working…for now)
Sleep: Five to six hours, but I just got a body pillow, so hopefully my number of sleeping hours will go up.
Best Moment this week: I had two: Thursday, I got to drive down to Utah and see a bunch of my cousins and aunts, and today (Saturday), I went over to Burley with my brother- and sister-in-law for a family reunion. All the kids that were little babies last time I saw them are running around and speaking in more or less complete sentences. Yesh! 
Miss anything: Jake
Movement: Oh yes. It feels like she’s doing summersaults in there. I’ve felt some definite kicks (or punches, I’m not 100% sure which). I think we may have quite the feisty little girl on our hands.
Food Cravings: Still hot fudge on vanilla ice cream; it’s actually kind of ridiculous how much I think about it.
Anything making you queasy or sick? My niece’s diapers…but they’d make a non-pregnant person a little queasy, so I don’t know that they count.
Labor signs: Nope.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? Still on. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: I’m back in more-or-less happy mode. 
Looking forward to: Being able to put Jake’s hand on my stomach and have him feel her kick. Sorry everyone else, but no one gets to feel her until her daddy does. (It’s only fair. He helped make her after all.)

So, for those of you who don’t know, Jake has received a pretty cool opportunity to provide “opposing forces” for some marines in Utah. I don’t know how much I’m allowed to tell you (not that I know that much), but basically, the marines have some training that they have to do for new drills, and they need bad guys. Jake is getting paid to be a bad guy. He’s pretty stoked. They technically start tomorrow, but he left yesterday, so he could catch a ride down to Utah with his uncle.

On an unrelated note, here are some pictures from my fun with my cousins!

P1040523 P1040524 P1040525  P1040527 P1040529    P1040533 P1040534 P1040535 P1040537 P1040538 P1040539

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