i kind of just felt like writing tonight. i don’t really have anything specific to talk about, i just needed to get some thoughts down i guess. nothing major. just talk. in hawaii we’d say ‘talk story.’ :]
for a simple update Jake and I both have jobs, [if you haven’t already, you can read all about my views on my new job at Walmart here.] and we both work at walmart. While i’m grateful for a job, and—mostly—for the paycheck, but if i could get the same paycheck doing more work for longer hours doing something i loved, then…i’d do it. Jake said he mostly does a lot of DVD stocking.
As far as school goes: the school i’m teaching is pretty good. i’m realizing how much i need to readjust my schedule. :\ As for the school we’ll eventually be going to, we have NO idea…. with the combination of work + play + life and everything else, grad school has become that thing we’re saving for, but don’t know where we’re going yet, whether it’s going to be in-state or even in-country! sheesh