Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Pregnancy: A little questionnaire and another picture

One of my friends filled this out throughout her pregnancy. I’ve been meaning to start this, better late than never, as they say. :)

15 weeks

How far along? 15 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: At least 5 pounds, but I don’t own a scale, so I can’t say for sure. We’re buying one soon. ;)

Maternity clothes: So far, just pants—well, they’re not technically pants, they’re actually more like capris. Anyway, they have a stretchy band, and my mid-section fully appreciates it. My tshirts are starting to feel tighter, and some of my gs are starting to feel uncomfortably tight.

Stretch marks: Only on my legs, the inside of my thigh, but those might have been there before. I did notice one on my upper thigh when I went swimming the other day.

Sleep: 6-7 hours. I usually wake up around 4 or 5 in the morning to pee, and then I go back to bed. I’m still able to sleep on my stomach—I’ve been told to take advantage of that while I can.

Best Moment this week: I had a dream that I had had the baby, and it was a boy. He was super cute and smiling. I’m pretty sure we’re having a boy; in fact, if we have a girl, I will be incredibly surprised.

Miss anything: Looking good in a swimsuit. I mean, I wasn’t a swimsuit model before, but I was pretty confident. I feel like a whale now. A big, purple whale (and it’s only 15 weeks!!).

Movement: None so far.

Food Cravings: I jump between ice cream and potatoes, but not both together, at least, not yet.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Dishes. Well, old dishes with squishy food or smells—I’m getting kind of queasy just thinking about it.

Labor signs: No. I have pains, but I’ve been told that they’re normal. Apparently, they’re essentially growing pains.

Belly button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? On, although my fingers feel pudgy at the end and beginning of my day. During they day, I’m fine.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, mostly.

Looking forward to: Hearing the baby’s heartbeat at the next appointment

Monday, June 9, 2014

We’re Adding to the Adventure

I know it’s been ages since I posted anything on here. I’ll get better; I promise. It’s hard to blog consistently when you don’t have internet access, but that’s really just an excuse. Let me move on to the why of this post.

This blog is called Danica and Jake’s Many Adventures, right? Well, come the beginning of December, we’ll have one more little adventurer who will be joining us. I’ve been meaning to post this news since Mother’s Day (when we told the whole world).

The idea of being a mom scares the living soul out of me, but it also excites me, but I’ll write more about that later. Below are a few pictures. I decided to start those pregnancy pictures at 12 weeks. So far, I don’t think I look pregnant; I just look like I’ve been hitting the cookies and ice cream too hard.

12 weeks 13 weeks 14 weeks

Don’t mind my cat’s photobomb in my 12 week picture; she’s just curious about what I’m doing.