We've decided to add a new little member to our family. For those of you who don't know, she walks on four legs, not two....and she'll walk on four legs her entire life. No, folks. It's not a baby; it's a KITTEN!!
Her name is Guinevere, and she is adorable. Here's a picture, and the story of how this furball came into our lives.
(I told you she's adorable). So Friday morning I get a text from my sister-in-law; she says they've found five kittens on their porch, do I want them? Like she had to ask, of course I wanted them! Then, I remembered our pet-to-family-member ratio rule, and said I'd take one--I don't know that Jake would have appreciated two kittens all at once. Well, one kitten worked out because one was all they were able to catch.
Jake and I went over to their house a little after one--right after I got picked up from school--and we saw her. I had told Jake on the way over to their house that we might want to take it (we didn't know the gender of the kitten at the time) to a shelter, and Jake wisely said, "You'll want to keep it as soon as you touch it."
Yes. Yes I did. But how could I not? Look at her!
So, let me tell you a little bit about Guinevere. She's roughly three months old (but maybe younger). She loves to have her belly rubbed, and will only allow you to take a good picture of her if she's out cold (as you may have noticed); otherwise, she's sit sweetly posed for the camera and just as you push the button she moves and becomes a blur. I have many blurring pictures as evidence. She's mostly grey, but has white on her paws, and belly. Her chin is also white except her goatee-patch, which is grey. Her arch-nemesis is any curtain hanging in our house. She will spontaneously attack the bottom of the curtain--the only part she can reach--and bite. Her little claws will flail in the air, and then she'll fall down. Although we've provided, if I do say so myself, a nice and clean place for her to drink water, she seems to prefer getting her paws wet and drinking water out of our bathtub--to each her own, I guess. She also likes to knead. She kneads everything, but her specialty is the general crotch area.
Jake is guarding himself from her overwhelming desire to knead. |
Guinevere also loves to get her belly rubbed (she's a cat, I promise). She purrs like a madwoman, and meows like a mouse. Seriously, it's really sad and really funny at the same time. She doesn't really meow; it's more like a squeak. Sometimes she meows and no sound comes out at all! Her favorite sleeping places are anywhere we are, and under the bed--usually near or on my yoga mat, as shown in the next picture.
All in all, she's a dear, and we're happy to have her. She seems pretty happy to have us, too. :)