Thursday, October 16, 2014

Pregnancy: She's Squashing Me! (But seriously...)

How far along? 32 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +26 lbs
Maternity clothes: Yes. Let's just say that at this point, you're lucky I'm even wearing clothes. (or getting out of bed....not just because I want to sleep all the time, but because physically getting out of bed is hard).
Stretch marks: I think I have some on the back of my calves, but that could just be the light....right?
Sleep: Ain't nobody got time for that. Just kidding, this body just doesn't do it. I'm going to spend part of my day Googling "how to fall asleep faster." My hope is that if I master this ability before she's here, I'll be able to take the most advantage of the whole "nap when she naps" thing.
Best Moment this week: I wish I could tell you about one moment that stuck out from the rest, but for the most part, everything has been good. I went to my ward's Super Saturday and made a giant ruler that we'll use to measure our kids' growth on (we'll color code it because we're cool like that).
Miss anything: Sleep. I miss feeling well-rested, but I imagine that lack of rest feeling will become a constant companion for me for the next six months or so.
Movement: This girl is pretty chill. She does move--mostly when I'm getting ready for bed--but she isn't the kickboxing champion she was earlier. Either she's heard my many complaints of "Julia, it's not nice to kick me while I'm working, sleeping, etc., or my half of her genes have kicked in, and she's inherited some of my laziness.
Food Cravings: I crave Fall. I know it's not food, but it is. I crave pumpkin everything and hot chocolate and apple cider. This time of year also turns my crafting cravings on overdrive.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing specific. 
Labor signs: Not to the best of my knowledge.
Belly button in or out? In...but I can see the bottom of it. It's squishy and gross-looking (oh, I know you were wondering).
Wedding rings on or off? Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: This has pretty much stayed the same: It just kind of depends. Some days I am really moody (and by moody, I mostly mean super irritable) while other days I'm pretty mellow and happy.
Looking forward to: Gwen getting her soft paws on (yay!) and my meeting for tutoring (seriously, I am. I love those meetings. I get paid to know stuff and eat food).

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