Monday, June 18, 2018

3 years and 1.5 kids later...

Well, I don't know how many of you noticed, but I kind of fell off the blogging bandwagon after I had Julia. Mommy-dom consumed all. Hahaha.

So for those 3 readers of you I have....well, had....(assuming we're not friends on Facebook or in real life--if so how did you find me??) I've had another kid--Ginny. We call her "The Bean." Like jellybean, but Ginny-bean. (I'm not Practical Magic and you'll see what I mean). Anyway, she has added a whole new dimension to our life, love, and chaos. Coming in October, we'll be adding our first little boy into the mix: Edmund (yes, like from Narnia. No, we don't like Peter more.)

I've thought about jumping back on here and starting up again probably a million times, but life has a way of getting in its own way. I came to the realization (last night while watching Escape to the Country with Jake on Netflix--if you haven't watched it, you really should) that our kids should never be our excuse as to why we didn't do something (except sleep, because that's legit); I know people who don't want to travel until after their kids are all grown, and I just don't understand why. Why wouldn't you want to teach your kids that more than your tiny corner of the world exists? Why wouldn't you want to open their minds to new cultures and peoples? Why wouldn't you want to be there to see the wonder in their eyes? I mean, don't get me wrong. Traveling with toddlers can be a nightmare--believe me, I know--but no one is saying that traveling has to mean Europe or Asia. Traveling just getting out of dodge. We're in Pocatello, Idaho. Traveling is going to Salt Lake City.
Anyway, I digress.

Kids. I wanted kids. I have kids, and I'm not using them as an excuse (Seriously, you don't want to know how many times I had to get up while writing this post just to tell them to stop fighting long enough so Mommy could finish what she had to do).

These past couple of years have been a whirlwind of crazy love and adventure, but not much of it is documented--which makes me sad. Basically, I'm back, and I'm hoping to get back into documenting our life. If you're interested in our adventures, join us. If not, that's cool too. :)

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