Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Pregnancy: Eggplant to Cucumber

So the pregnanter I get (pregnater is totally a word, p.s.) the more I start to slack on these things. I get the pictures taken; I just take five years to fill out the questionnaire and post it. Because of all of this, this post is another 3-in-1 post. I would promise that I'll get better, but I'd probably just break that promise. Instead, I promise I will try to get better. (Sorry, Yoda. Trying is the best you're getting from this pregnant lady).

How far along? 28 weeks/29 weeks/30 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: How about we just say a lot and leave it there. (One day, we will buy a scale. It'll probably be when Julia is already 2, and I've already had my second child, but it will happen.)
Maternity clothes: Yes. My mom just sent me some super cute tops that I'm really stoked to wear.
Stretch marks: It all looks the same: stretch marks on inner-thighs, but no where else (yet).
Sleep: It comes and goes. Some nights, I still feel like I'm awake all night. Other nights, I feel like I'm only awake for part of the night. Either it's getting better, or I'm just getting used to it all.
Best Moment this week: For week 28, I went to the temple with a friend who received her endowments. Week 29, I went to the temple for that friend's sister who also received her endowments, and then we went back for her (the original friend's) wedding. Week 30, I got to spend some quality time with the hubs. He turned 30, and we spent some time away from it all. It was really nice. 
Miss anything: Sleeping on my stomach.
Movement: I smile every time she moves. Seriously. It's a little reminder that makes my impending motherhood all the more real (which completely terrifies me), but mostly, her movement just assures me that she's alive and well.
Food Cravings: I’m back in see-food eater mode. It’s actually terrible.  (I don't think this has changed)
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing specific.  (Same)
Labor signs: Not to the best of my knowledge.
Belly button in or out? In. (Same)
Wedding rings on or off? Still on.  (Same)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy, but I can switch to irritated pretty quickly (It's not a pretty picture; I don't like doing it!).
Looking forward to: General Conference. I'm not going to lie; this is partially because I can sleep in and be spiritually fed in my pjs, but I'm also pretty stoked because this will be the first General Conference where the speakers can speak in their native tongue instead of having to all speak in English. I'm really excited about it! :)

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