Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Pregnancy: Pineapple Princess, he calls me Pineapple Princess all day...

How far along? 31 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +25lbs
Maternity clothes: Yes. All day everyday--except when I get home and want very much for clothes to be no clothes, but don't worry, I just opt for pjs which I don't count as real people clothes.
Stretch marks: It all looks the same: stretch marks on inner-thighs, but nowhere else (yet).
Sleep: Sleep has become something that I can only successfully do when I can't do it--or rather when I don't have time. For example, I toss and turn all night, but then, when it's time for me to get up and take Jake to work, I am able to sleep deeply (for about 5 minutes).
Best Moment this week: I think there were a couple: I found out that Julia is facing the direction she should be, so that's a plus. We had General Conference, and while I missed the first session, I loved every minute of it. Listening to some of the speakers speak in their native languages was really fun. Also, I decided to make a halloween quilt. I got the fabric I'll need, and it's pretty cute.
Miss anything: Sleeping.
Movement: She still throws the occasional dance party, but for the most part, her movement is the occassional kick or punch. At least once a day, it feels like she's trying to stretch.
Food Cravings: I’m back in see-food eater mode. If I see it, smell it, think about it, or hear about it, I probably want to eat it.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing specific.  (Same)
Labor signs: Not to the best of my knowledge.
Belly button in or out? In. (Same)
Wedding rings on or off? Still on. (But I have a feeling that my engagement ring may have to take the last month of pregnancy off; we'll see)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy, but I can switch to irritated pretty quickly (It's not a pretty picture; I don't like doing it!).
Looking forward to: Payday, and Saturday. Saturday is our ward's Super Saturday, which means crafting! I'm making a 6-foot ruler. The idea is that we'll measure Julia on it, and we'll get to take her growth chart with us everywhere we go--which is an especially nice idea since we'll essentially be gypsies for the next few years. :)

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