Monday, May 10, 2010

Chaotic Commotion

Here we are in the middle of our extremely short spring term and what does that mean?? MID-TERMS! yick!
Some days it doesn’t seem like we’ll survive this craziness, but no worries; I have faith in us. Some of our pandemonium includes lots and lots of reading. I’m talking hundreds of pages here—plus loads of brand new terminology, as well as the usual essays and research papers. Don’t forget work and time we have set aside for “us” time. Let me tell you being in school is not easy; working is not easy; none of this is easy, but it’s totally worth it. It’s rough now (hopefully one day it will be ruff because we’ll get a puppy!!) and sometimes it’s plain old boring but for the most part we’re pulling through by scratching one another’s backs, keeping each other on track and –all in all—just being there for each other. I’m discovering that I depend on him more than I ever thought I would. Don’t get me wrong, I could still function and do this on my own, but I don’t want to and now I don’t have to. I don’t know that there’s anything I wouldn’t want Jake around for. Does that make sense? Anyway I love him and he loves me and how it’s just about getting through the term so we can make it to summer. :)

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