Saturday, December 17, 2011

Typical Hawaiian December



Merry Christmas! :)

Here I am, my last December in Hawaii (well, my last one for now). I just wanted to put in some pictures of what we’ve been up to (I decided to leave out the bleeding over students’ papers and all the grading of finals hehe).




My mom’s ornaments were stuck together…CIMG5143

 CIMG5144Jake looks so cute hanging ornaments. (He’s got a good eye.)

 CIMG5159Sorry it’s kind of blurry—but this little one is our tree. We love it.

And below are our two NEW ornaments (Jake’s is the santa, mine is the chipmunks):

 CIMG5161 CIMG5162


On the blue board is Jake.






Here’s Jake again. We were driving past Pipeline and, well I’ll let the picture speak for itself (Let’s just say that these waves were HUGE)






CIMG5215One lucky surfer. 


CIMG5229 Waimea. I will miss my beautiful Hawaii.


Jake was saying that it doesn’t feel Christmas. I said “Weird, rain and huge waves feel like Christmas to me.” Granted, it was a beautiful sunny day, but the huge waves at Waimea still made it feel like Christmas. :)

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