Saturday, December 3, 2011

we got an e-mail...

Here's the jist:
"I am very sorry to inform you that we’ve decided to put the Teach Abroad program on a temporary year-long hiatus, effective immediately. This hiatus means that no participants will be sent on program in 2012, including those who have paid their deposit or paid in full."

translation: No more Korea.

It was good while it lasted. I was super excited...while I thought we were going.

I guess it's true: Stuff happens. Now we move on to Plan B...too bad we never bothered with a Plan B since Plan A was working out so well.


  1. .....Oh saddest thing ever, Danica. You guys are having a rough time these days, aren't you? I'm so sorry to hear that. But, it's all really not just "stuff" happening - it's God, playing His intricate and vital role in your destinies :) Isn't that a better way of looking at it?

  2. that is to bad. do you think you will still come to the mainland or will you stay in hawaii?

  3. WHAT??!! I can't believe they can just do that. Seriously, like a month before it happens. Some of us like to plan what we are doing ahead of time! Well, you are taking this better than I would Danica. So, do you think you will go next year?
