Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Pregnancy: 133 days

19 weeks

How far along? 19 weeks (Mango-sized baby)

Total weight gain/loss: +11 lbs

Maternity clothes: I seriously need to go shopping. My wardrobe is slowly shrinking (and it’s because I’m slowly growing). 

Stretch marks: Still haven’t spotted any new ones

Sleep: I think I’m actually sleeping more. I go to bed usually around 22:30ish, and I don’t get out of bed until around 08:30. That’s almost ten hours of sleep (I say almost because I usually wake up to eat or pee…usually both).

Best Moment this week:  Jake hugging me and telling me he’s excited for the day when he can feel the baby kick. :)  (I also got some hand-me-down maternity shirts! I’m pretty stoked about them.)

Miss anything: Sleeping on my stomach; everyone warned me this day would come, and here it is.  

Movement: Sometimes I’m sure it’s the baby; other times, I’m pretty sure it could be the baby, or it could be gas. Who knows?

Food Cravings: Still milk duds, and chocolate in general. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing that didn’t make me queasy when I wasn’t pregnant.

Labor signs: Nope.

Belly button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? Still on. My fingers feel fatter, but I’m really hoping that’s just psychological. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly still happy, but occasionally I get moody (I’m noticing the moody more now. I don’t think I’m moodier than before, just that I’m more aware of it.)

Looking forward to: Finding out if we’re buying blue bow ties or pink tu-tus. :) We find out July 24th!! (Jake says no tu-tus, and I say “What’s the point of having a girl if there are no tu-tus?”)

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