Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Pregnancy: Pear-fectly wonderful


So, we were at a family reunion and failed to take a 17 week picture…but I promise I don’t look that different from last week (at least, I don’t think so). Instead, I decided to post a picture of the baby…well, a fruit the size of the baby. :) (Picture via Parents.com)

How far along? 17 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +9 lbs

Maternity clothes: Still just maternity pants, but I’ve also been noticing the need to switch to bigger t-shirts…and bras. Seriously, bras.

Stretch marks: I still haven’t spotted any new ones

Sleep: Still about 6-7 hours. Even if I don’t get the 6 to 7 hours through the night, I usually get a 1-2 hour nap sometime during the day.

Best Moment this week:  I’m pretty sure I felt some movement. I talked to my sister-in-law, who is pregnant with baby #2, and explained what I was feeling and she said that was baby movement. So far, it just feels like I’m getting poked from the inside. It’s only once in a while, but it’s pretty exciting. 

Miss anything: Walking up stairs without my knee hurting. It’s been killing me since Friday, but it should be done soon…hopefully.

Movement: See Best Moment! 

Food Cravings: Still Olive Garden. The closest one to us is 45 minutes away. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing any more.

Labor signs: Not a one.

Belly button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? Same as last week: On, although my fingers feel pudgy at the end and beginning of my day. During they day, I’m fine.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly still happy.

Looking forward to: Finding out if we buying blue bow ties or pink tu-tus. :) We found out July 24th!!

1 comment:

  1. Truly an exciting time! Next time you're in town I'm totally taking your preggers butt to Olive Gardens! Love you!
